Retirees Fight for Progress
February 19, 2018: The Texas Alliance for Retired Americans, seven chapters strong, continues to fight on the progressive side. On issue after issue concerning seniors, we are out on picket lines or applying ourselves in the many arenas of struggle. Candidates are l...Read more >
Texans Need a Retirement Savings Plan
January 22, 2018: During the Texas AFL-CIO political convention, three strong women presented a plan to help all Texas workers save for retirement. [caption id="attachment_2359" align="aligncenter" width="960"] rosenlaura-melinaraabangela-powersmaura[/caption] U...Read more >
Retirees Hold State Convention
January 22, 2018: Texas retirees set new “firsts” at our convention in Austin on January 19. It was the first time that our state meeting represented seven active chapters – one in each of the major metropolitan areas. It was the first time that a major leader f...Read more >
Our Proud Recent Past
January 18, 2018: Texas Alliance for Retired Americans Report of Recent Developments TARA is successful on every front. In all its history, Texas seniors have never had such an effective advocacy group! Our strength begins with our national organization on the 5t...Read more >
We Work for Civil Rights!
January 18, 2018: Texas seniors know what discrimination means, and we stand against it! TARA Secretary Tony Padilla and other senior activists were at MLK activities in Austin Across the state, Texas retirees joined in celebrating the birthday of the great Mart...Read more >
Texas Seniors Are Developing a Winning Program
January 09, 2018: A Proposed Program for Texas Seniors Texas activists will gather at 1PM on January 19 at the Downtown Sheraton in Austin for our biennial convention. It is an opportunity to plan a program for the organization’s next two years. My ideas presented ...Read more >
Texas Alliance Is Liked 1000 Times!
January 09, 2018: The Texas Alliance for Retired Americans Facebook Page just received its one-thousandth "like." That means that 1,000 people will have an opportunity to see every important posting! "Invite Friends" to "like" our Facebook page. Spread the word...Read more >
We Were Set Back, But Not Defeated
December 20, 2017: The Republican tax scam will hurt the right to retire. But Texas retirees can be proud of our fight. We burned up the phone lines, we wrote letters and emails, and we hit the streets time after time! [caption id="attachment_2336" align="aligncente...Read more >
December 15, 2017: Think Big! Think Even Bigger! If TARA activists are audacious, we can change senior voting patterns in Texas next year. Our biggest and most important state convention is set for 1-4 PM on January 19 in Austin. Activists around the state should ...Read more >
Worse Than We Thought
December 13, 2017: The House Ways and Means Committee under Chairman Kevin Brady, a Republican whose district is centered on Huntsville, may significantly increase the tax burden of public employees' pensions. While billionaires and corporations get breaks, public ser...Read more >