We Lift Our Voices!
February 24, 2015: Texas Alliance members visited as many congresspersons as we could during the recess February 16-20. We didn't just listen quietly to the reps and their staff members, we let them know what we think about the current efforts to undermine Social Secur...Read more >
Seniors: “All Out to Advise Reps Feb 16-20!”
February 11, 2015: All over the nation, seniors are mobilizing to talk to their political representatives during the congressional recess February 16-20. Texans will do even more as we sign up to see both federal and state officeholders. Not Sure Who Represents You? Th...Read more >
Dallas Chapter Meets Wednesday, Feb 4
February 04, 2015: American Retirees Are On the Move! Our first big opportunity to visit Congresspersons is the week of February 16-21. National Executive Director Rich Fiesta urges us to see as many of them face-to-face as we can during their week in home districts. T...Read more >
Activists Learn About Pending Texas Legislation
February 02, 2015: TARA members who attended the Senior Source Legislative Forum heard Director Lynda Ender share a list of bills affecting seniors which have been filed in the 2015 Texas Legislature. TARA and AGE Board Member Fernando Rojas introduced Texas House Rep...Read more >
Autoworker Retirees Take Action
January 27, 2015: The North Texas UAW Area Council meeting is not the largest retiree meeting, but it is critical. Leaders of several Autoworkers retiree clubs meet at 10:30 on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at UAW 276 hall, 2505 W.E. Roberts in Grand Prairie. They inv...Read more >
Our Conventions Get Better and Better
January 22, 2015: The Texas Alliance for Retired Americans held its state convention in Austin on January 20. Delegates came from Austin, of course, plus Corpus Christi, Dallas, Houston and San Antonio. Many of the delegates were retirees from different unions, but a ...Read more >
TARA Joins Partners Speaking Up for Democracy
January 22, 2015: Even though it occurred the day after our state convention, the Texas Alliance could not let the 5th anniversary of the unjust and undemocratic "Citizens United" Supreme Court decision pass without speaking up for democracy. Seniors, more than any ot...Read more >
TARA Is the Solution for Texas Retirees — A Message from the President
January 19, 2015: First Draft of President's Remarks for the TARA convention 1/20/15. Your criticisms encouraged: TARA Challenges and Solutions You've heard some things about the many challenges before us. Let me assure you that we're doing something about them and t...Read more >
Speak Up for Democracy in Ft Worth
January 17, 2015: January 21 is the Anniversary of "Citizens United" -- which robbed America of our democracy! The "Citizens United" case,the McCutcheon case, and the gutting of the Voters Rights Act, all done by the Five Injustices of the Supreme Court, have transfe...Read more >
You’re Invited to Alliance Convention!
January 17, 2015: Everybody who supports the right to retire is encouraged to attend the State Convention of the Texas Alliance for Retired Americans at 10:30 AM on Tuesday, January 20, at 1700 South 1st St Austin, Tx 78704. RSVP to Judy Bryant, or call her at 214-729...Read more >