Super Seniors Fight Back!
September 20, 2017: Leaders of the Texas Alliance for Retired Americans are on the battlefronts everywhere in Texas. [caption id="attachment_2251" align="aligncenter" width="474"] vector illustration of a flying senior super heroine with cape[/caption] The Board Rep...Read more >
Texas Is Down for the Budget Fight
September 06, 2017: Texans are studying the proposed "Black Budget" from Congresswoman Diane Black (R-TN) in the congressional session begun after Labor Day. In the next few weeks, Republicans intend to pass these proposals listed by our national organization: Cut ...Read more >
Keeping TARA’s Head Above Water
September 05, 2017: Texas retirees are finding ways to pitch in on Gulf Coast disaster relief. National ARA is encouraging donations to the Texas Worker Relief Fund, and several of our members have sent $100 contributions already. The Dallas Chapter meets at 12:30 PM...Read more >
Rain, Rain, Go Away!
August 29, 2017: The good news is that TARA leaders report that our activists on the Gulf Coast are OK so far. Chapter Presidents in Beaumont, Corpus Christi, and Houston have been asked if they need aid and, so far, they reply that they are OK. The Texas...Read more >
Fight, Texans! Our Lives Depend on It!
July 25, 2017: The Texas Alliance for Retired Americans continues our statewide fight for health care and retiree rights. [caption id="attachment_1448" align="alignright" width="472"] Austin TARA on front line for health care[/caption] &...Read more >
KHN – Analysis: As Seniors Get Sicker, They’re More Likely To Drop Medicare Advantage Plans
July 06, 2017: By Fred Schulte Kaiser Health News is a national health policy news service that is part of the nonpartisan Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. When Sol Shipotow enrolled in a new Medicare Advantage health plan earlier this year, he expected to...Read more >
Texans In Battle
July 05, 2017: We have a plan to save and extend the right to retire in America: organize the retirees! Our chapters in every major Texas population center are working hard on the plan. Here are a few of the things going on right now: Action in Austin More Acti...Read more >
National Emergency on Health Care
June 14, 2017: The Alliance for Retired Americans asks for emergency mobilizations to stop "Trumpcare." It is presently being prepared in secret by 13 Senators. They expect to use legislative maneuvers to keep it from the public before a quick "fast track" vote,...Read more >
Did Congress Represent Us?
June 05, 2017: Our national office has evaluated the 2016 congressional votes. [caption id="attachment_2199" align="aligncenter" width="474"] Senator Bernie Sanders with Tony Padilla[/caption] For Immediate Release June 5, 2017Contact: David Blank – 20...Read more >
Texas Retirees Set Statewide Meeting
June 03, 2017: The Texas Alliance for Retired Americans statewide meeting is set for 4-6PM on Friday, June 23 in room 335A of the Hilton Americas Houston Hotel, 1600 Lamar Street in Houston 77010. We Have a Lot to Talk About [caption id="attachment_2194" align="a...Read more >