More Ways for Seniors to Make a Difference!
May 15, 2017: As the Fort Worth retiree chapter meeting nears, even more opportunities for seniors have come up. We're calling right now for pension justice, and we're planning a rally on May 24th. Chapter President Jim Rivers writes: "Even thought they held ...Read more >
Texans Join National Health Care Protests
May 12, 2017: National Alliance for Retired Americans called for protests of the Republican Health Care law on May 12, 2017. Texans joined in. Organizer Judy Bryant set up our action for 10 AM at Congressman Pete Sessions' Dallas office. When she learned th...Read more >
Seniors Talk, People Listen
May 12, 2017: Texas organizer Judy Bryant spoke to the monthly luncheon of UAW Local 848 on May 11, 2017. [caption id="attachment_2173" align="aligncenter" width="960"] Judy Bryant at UAW 848[/caption] Her topic, of course, was the health care crisis brought...Read more >
Seniors Win in Dallas
May 07, 2017: Next-day election results show that Philip Kingston, the candidate endorsed by the Texas Alliance for Retired Americans, defeated two opponents with 55% of the total vote in Dallas City Council District 14. Kingston has stood up for Texas reti...Read more >
KHN – A Squeaker In The House Becomes Headache For The Senate: 5 Things To Watch
May 05, 2017: By Julie Rovner, May 4, 2017 Kaiser Health News is a national health policy news service that is part of the nonpartisan Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. After weeks of will-they-or-won’t-they tensions, the House managed to pass its GOP rep...Read more >
Retirees Fighting to Save Healthcare
May 04, 2017: All over Texas, our members fought the health care battle in the U.S. House right up to the moment we heard they had passed it. Click here to join the fight! [caption id="attachment_2161" align="aligncenter" width="720"] Dallas President George...Read more >
Retirees In Danger!
April 27, 2017: How would you like to pay five times as much for insurance as younger people? What about losing your pension or having your Social Security Cut? Right now, Congress is deliberating all those things. We need to organize retirees to fight back! I'...Read more >
Texas Labor Has Our Backs
March 30, 2017: The AFL-CIO in Texas has the retirees' backs -- and we have theirs! To save pensions, we're urging everyone to go to Austin for the State Employees Lobby Day April 12. Bus rides to Austin cost $15. Click here to buy yours! A lot of really bad ...Read more >
Retirees Endorse Women’s Action
March 02, 2017: By unanimous vote, the Dallas Chapter of the Texas Alliance for Retired Americans is behind March 8 activities titled "A Day Without A Woman!" [caption id="attachment_2142" align="aligncenter" width="700"] Dallas Chapter is meeting at Alliance/A...Read more >
Texas Retirees are on the Front Lines!
February 27, 2017: All over Texas, members of the Texas Alliance for Retired Americans (TARA) are in the first ranks of the many ongoing battles for decent living, rights, and dignity in America. Retirees are making calls, filling out petitions, visiting politica...Read more >