When we die, some of us leave our survivors with only good memories. Others leave them with major expenses and a myriad of legal and financial problems. Can the Texas Alliance for Retired Americans help?
I recently announced on KNON radio that six states, not including Texas, ... Read more
Get Ahead!
In 2023, we'll be fighting major battles to defend and extend retiree rights. The U.S. Congress is already in session, and the Texas Legislature starts January 10. Both of them have big challenges and opportunities for retirees. In many areas, local elections will be underway bef... Read more
Forward in 2023!
Retiree volunteers did fabulous jobs in 2022 and are ready, more than ever before, for the next challenges. Our most recent Board meeting tried to anticipate what some of them will be.
Campaign for Pensions with Cola
Working families no longer have most of the pensions that uni... Read more
Strengthen the Retiree Movement
The Texas Alliance for Retired Americans has proven its worth over and over, but much more needs to be done.
Please join our campaign to add muscle to the retiree movement by helping Texans march to the top in their understanding and their commitment to activity.
There ... Read more
Texas Retiree Election Results
Election results show that voters have stood up against all anti-democratic attacks. Big money, gerrymandering, lackluster office holders, and the worst voter suppression since Jim Crow did not succeed in breaking our faith in democracy. TARA activists made thousands of retiree-t... Read more
Texas Retiree Endorsements
The Alliance for Retired Americans carefully screens candidates on important retiree issues. If they pass our inspection, we endorse them and help get them elected.
Congressional Candidates endorsed by National Alliance for Retired Americans:
Elizabeth Fletcher, TX7
Al Green, ... Read more
Election Is Upon Us!
Member of our Coastal Bend Chapter report that they are already receiving their 2022 mail-in ballots. No more putting off election work because it has already begun!
TARA will make sure every mail-in ballot counts by presenting a special statewide webinar at 6:30 PM on October... Read more
TARA Uses YouTube, Too
TARA has its own channel on YouTube. Most of our videos are under 5 minutes long, because that seems to be best for posting on social media. Here are some recent ones:
https://youtu.be/QMZ4wktzl_A African American retiree webinar intro
https://youtu.be/APm1ut5atMQ Mary Ch... Read more
Letters-to-Editor Really Help
TARA activists always try to get "earned media coverage" in the commercial news services. As they are owned and operated by major corporations, they are not always sympathetic; but when we get coverage, it reaches a lot of people. Letters to editors also make a big difference.
... Read more