All posts by gene

Gov. Abbott Puts A Fox to Watch Pension Henhouse!

Retirees across Texas are protesting Governor Abbott's appointment of Josh McGee to the Texas Pension Review Board. McGee has a long record of advocating taking away "defined benefit" pensions from public employees. He is a Vice President of the Laura and John Arnold Foundation,... Read more

Retirees Celebrate Holidays

Retiree organizations across Texas are starting their holiday celebrations. The Dallas Chapter held a luncheon on December 2 at the Postal Employees' union hall, 2010 Postal Way. Beverly McCray catered the event with terrific chicken, roast beef, and salmon entrees. Entertainmen... Read more

North Texans to Celebrate Veterans Day

Veterans Day is to be celebrated at 3 PM on November 11 at the DFW National Veterans Cemetery, 2000 Mountain Creek Parkway, Dallas 75211. Veterans of Foreign Wars attend the ceremony every year, but this year they will be joined by the Texas Alliance for Retired Americans activis... Read more

Retirees Mobilize for Fair Trade

Retirees Mobilize for Fair Trade The Alliance for Retired Americans is urging Texans to join the fight against unfair trade deals because of the prospect of higher prices for drugs and medical equipment. The Texas Alliance has already participated in conference calls with nation... Read more

Tony Padilla Speaks Up for TARA

An Interview by Tom Herrera – LA VOZ Newspapers October 2015 Herrera: Mr. Padilla as Secretary of the Texas Alliance for Retired Americans (TARA), what is your basic message to interested American voters? Padilla: TARA is currently fighting to keep and improve benefits for Se... Read more