Social Security
Padilla Talks to Congresspersons
May 13, 2019: The Golden Triangle, Fort Worth and Austin TARA chapters meet this week. If you live in these areas, you will receive a separate email about the meeting. PRESIDENT PADILLA LOBBIES CONGRESS TARA President Tony Padilla and retirees from the Machini...Read more >
TARA Chapters Celebrate Older Americans Month
May 07, 2018: The Houston TARA Chapter met on Wednesday, May 2 , to celebrate Older Americans Month at the Dinner Bell Cafe. Andy Hardwick, from the Social Security Administration, spoke about Social Security Benefits, the WEP offset and how that impacts TRS Pensi...Read more >
Seniors Plan for 2018
December 08, 2017: Dallas retirees began some serious election planning at our December 6 meeting. Early in January, we'll begin a statewide push for "vote by mail" for all Texans over 65 years old. At the same time, we will begin helping senior voters one precinc...Read more >
Fight, Texans! Our Lives Depend on It!
July 25, 2017: The Texas Alliance for Retired Americans continues our statewide fight for health care and retiree rights. [caption id="attachment_1448" align="alignright" width="472"] Austin TARA on front line for health care[/caption] &...Read more >
Texans In Battle
July 05, 2017: We have a plan to save and extend the right to retire in America: organize the retirees! Our chapters in every major Texas population center are working hard on the plan. Here are a few of the things going on right now: Action in Austin More Acti...Read more >
Texas Retirees are on the Front Lines!
February 27, 2017: All over Texas, members of the Texas Alliance for Retired Americans (TARA) are in the first ranks of the many ongoing battles for decent living, rights, and dignity in America. Retirees are making calls, filling out petitions, visiting politica...Read more >
Dallas Chapter Will Support MLK, Oppose Sam Johnson
January 04, 2017: The Dallas Chapter of the Texas Alliance for Retired Americans met at 12:30PM on January 5 in the "Lucky Room" at the Crown Buffet Chinese restaurant. [caption id="attachment_2060" align="aligncenter" width="700"] Judy Bryant speaks while Barbara ...Read more >
Texans Picket Congressman Sam Johnson for Social Security
December 30, 2016: On December 28, right in the middle of the holidays, Texas seniors picketed Congressman Sam Johnson in Plano. [caption id="attachment_2046" align="aligncenter" width="700"] Some of the picketers posed in front of Johnson's office building at 1255 ...Read more >
Retirees Must Sound Off!
December 26, 2016: Texas seniors need to sing our songs and tell our stories everywhere! We expect the worst if we remain quiet! We are contacting key congresspersons, like Lloyd Doggett in the photo above, during the holiday season. We're writing letters, mak...Read more >
Election Choice Couldn’t Be More Clear
September 02, 2016: Usually, candidates and political parties avoid saying anything about retiree issues, but the 2016 candidates and party platforms are crystal clear! If Texas seniors vote on our basic issues of pensions, health care and Social Security, a big...Read more >