April 19, 2020
Vote By Mail — Apply Now!
Vote By Mail — Apply Now!
Texas voters should be able to safely vote from home. It’s been legal for all voters twice so far this year, but the Texas Attorney General has kept pressure on the courts to make it illegal.
Seniors over 65 and certain others are presently empowered to vote safely by mail. Even better, we only have to ask once for an application that applies to every election in a given year. So, apply now and vote by mail all year!

If you need to register to vote, go to http://register2vote.org. To download your free vote-by-mail application from the Texas Secretary of State: http://www.sos.state.tx.us/elections/forms/pol-sub/5-15f.pdf.
Fill out the form. There are boxes for “annual application,” and a choice of political party for primary elections. Mail it to your county elections office. The addresses are on the Secretary of State page: http://www.sos.state.tx.us/elections/voter/votregduties.shtml
For every election, you’ll receive your free ballot far in advance of the election. You’ll have plenty of time to look over all the candidates and propositions, then make sure your vote gets in!
The Texas Alliance for Retired Americans is joining with partners across the state to gain democracy and this vital life-saving right for all Texas voters. The following is from TARA’s letter in April, 2020:
This our message: No Texan should have to put their life at risk to vote. Governor Abbott, under your emergency powers, I’m asking you to extend the right that Texas seniors now have to ALL Texans so that they may Vote by Mail. We must protect the health and lives of election workers as well as voters. Allowing Texans to mail in their ballots will strengthen and protect our democracy…..
Please join us again for this important Vote By Mail Campaign and turn up the heat on Gov. Abbott! We are not going away until we get what is right for all Texans.
Please contact Judy Bryant with any questions and thanks for your help.
In solidarity,
Anthony (Tony) Padilla
President, Texas Alliance for Retired Americans
Judy Bryant
Field Organizer, Texas Alliance for Retired Americans
Find us on Facebook: Texas Alliance for Retired Americans