Apple, Bose and Others Pump Up the Volume on Hearing Aid Options, Filling Void Left by FDA
August 31, 2021: Spurred by decades of complaints about the high cost of hearing aids, Congress passed a law in 2017 to allow over-the-counter sales, with hopes it would boost competition and lower prices. Four years later, federal regulators have yet to issue...Read more >
Anybody Want to Surrender?
August 26, 2021: Texas retirees are not surrendering to the anti-voter politicians. We will go on demanding federal voter laws and, whether we get legislation or not, we will be hitting back hard in every election! Start Now Right now, we can start registering Texa...Read more >
Now Is Our Time!
August 22, 2021: In the long hard fight for retiree rights in Texas, we are winning! The stronger we are, the more we win! Click here to sign up for the strongest Texas retiree network ever. Ask your organizations and friends to sign in! Right now, the U.S....Read more >
Texas Retiree Network Grows
August 22, 2021: Steelworker retirees organized an important new chapter on August 21. [caption id="attachment_2976" align="alignnone" width="540"] Andy Rosas (Center) organized a new SOAR Chapter in Dallas[/caption] District Steelworker leader Andy Rosas came ...Read more >
We Need Each Other!
August 14, 2021: Since 1935, when Social Security was first enacted, retirees have never had so many challenges and opportunities. We need each other if we are to win! Please join the retiree rights network by clicking here. Right now, we have a good chance to ...Read more >
Build a Mighty Movement
August 10, 2021: Texas retirees need a powerful movement Add your strength to ours by joining one of our active chapters or by learning how to start one in your own area. Even during the pandemic, we never stop meeting and working for retiree rights. A lot of our...Read more >
Free the Texas Hostages!
August 03, 2021: Tell Governor Abbott to Free the Hostages! In a vindictive move, Governor Greg Abbot vetoed Article X appropriations from the Texas state budget. Over 2,000 legislative staffers are now living with uncertainty regarding their pay, benef...Read more >
Organizing Is Simple
July 31, 2021: Organizing retirees is critical to protecting and advancing our rights. Anybody can do it. Just make a list of what needs to be done, put the steps in order, then implement the plan. Simple flow charts really help. A really simple one only has ...Read more >
Legislature Plans Punishment
July 10, 2021: Let us fight for freedom and voting rights! Most of what the governor commanded the legislature to do in special session is bad business. The top of his list is curtailing our voting rights. The Texas AFL-CIO is coordinating activities to defend our...Read more >
Fight for Voter Rights!
July 06, 2021: Texas Alliance for Retired Americans stands for voter rights and freedom, both of which are under assault in Texas. We are picketing, demonstrating, calling, lobbying, and are gathering petitions. A great number of...Read more >