Retirees Stand Against Unfair Trade
January 19, 2016: Texas retirees took the lead in opposing unfair trade on January 12, the same day that President Obama pushed the unfair "Trans Pacific Partnership" in his State of the Union address. Our Austin and Dallas rallies coincided with 20 protests nationwid...Read more >
Statement on President Obama’s State of the Union Speech
January 13, 2016: President's Last State of the Union Speech has Strong Implications for Social Security, Medicare and Pensions Retirees Remain Apprehensive about Trans Pacific Partnership Trade Deal Robert Roach, Jr., President of the Alliance for Ret...Read more >
Expand Social Security, Says New York Times
January 04, 2016: The New York Times editorial board wrote recently that we need to expand Social Security. It was a wonderful way to start the new year – and a fitting position, given that Social Security recipients will not receive a cost-of-living adjustment (COL...Read more >
Drug Price Spikes Are Hurting Consumers and Medical Providers, Senators Told
December 09, 2015: The Senate Special Committee on Aging held a hearing on off-patent drug price spikes on December 9, 2015. Americans spent $374 billion on prescription drugs last year. Witnesses provided insight into the causes of these drug price hikes in off-patent...Read more >
Gov. Abbott Puts A Fox to Watch Pension Henhouse!
December 04, 2015: Retirees across Texas are protesting Governor Abbott's appointment of Josh McGee to the Texas Pension Review Board. McGee has a long record of advocating taking away "defined benefit" pensions from public employees. He is a Vice President of the Lau...Read more >
Retirees Celebrate Holidays
December 04, 2015: Retiree organizations across Texas are starting their holiday celebrations. The Dallas Chapter held a luncheon on December 2 at the Postal Employees' union hall, 2010 Postal Way. Beverly McCray catered the event with terrific chicken, roast beef, and...Read more >
North Texans to Celebrate Veterans Day
November 06, 2015: Veterans Day is to be celebrated at 3 PM on November 11 at the DFW National Veterans Cemetery, 2000 Mountain Creek Parkway, Dallas 75211. Veterans of Foreign Wars attend the ceremony every year, but this year they will be joined by the Texas Alliance...Read more >
October 23, 2015: MEDICAID EXPANSION IN TEXAS On October 22, TARA members joined Dallas Texas Organizing Project members at a rally and press conference to EXPAND MEDICAID! Below are the remarks of Field Organizer Judy Bryant which she made at the event. The Texa...Read more >
Tony Padilla Speaks Up for TARA
October 13, 2015: An Interview by Tom Herrera – LA VOZ Newspapers October 2015 Herrera: Mr. Padilla as Secretary of the Texas Alliance for Retired Americans (TARA), what is your basic message to interested American voters? Padilla: TARA is currently fighting to ke...Read more >
Voter Registration Is Critical!
September 23, 2015: Registering voters and motivating them to vote is an essential part of the retiree movement in Texas. State Organizer Judy Bryant led the way in Dallas this year, while Austin Chapter President Glenn Scott made sure we were effective in the state cap...Read more >