What Do Retirees Have to do with Immigration?
December 19, 2016: The Texas Alliance for Retired Americans generally sticks to retiree issues such as pensions, Social Security, and health care. So why would our Houston activists eagerly join Mayor Sylvester Turner in a news conference declaring solidarity with immi...Read more >
Congressman Doggett Backs Retirees in Fight for Rights
December 11, 2016: Congressman Lloyd Doggett expects to join the retiree news conference at noon on Thursday, December 15, at the Lamar Seniors Activity Center at 2874 Shoalcrest Ave, corner of 29th and Lamar, in Austin. [caption id="attachment_1929" align="aligncen...Read more >
Texans Starting Fightback — Emergency Council December 15
November 28, 2016: News articles are announcing that the incoming government is likely to turn Medicare/Medicaid over to the insurance companies. Click here for one of them. [caption id="attachment_1548" align="aligncenter" width="410"] Texas retirees will fight[/...Read more >
Texas Retirees Fight On
November 23, 2016: Texas retirees will continue to fight to preserve and expand the right to retire in spite of news that even stronger efforts will be made to destroy it. Ed Sills, Communications Director for the Texas AFL-CIO, wrote on Novermber 23, "President-ele...Read more >
Election’s Over, But Not The Fight!
November 17, 2016: [caption id="attachment_2003" align="aligncenter" width="474"] Retirees on the streets![/caption]...Read more >
Seniors Are Contemplating Strategies
November 15, 2016: Texas retirees spent very little time commiserating about the presidential election. Our own performance in the Lone Star State was excellent, so we spent no time at all castigating ourselves. What's taking up our time is analyzing the situation and ...Read more >
Texas Retirees Make Historical Contribution
November 10, 2016: Texas Alliance members had a powerful impact on the 2016 elections. Our six chapters, one in each of the top population centers, took part in every aspect of informing voters and bringing out the vote. It is probably the first time, ever, that Texas ...Read more >
Retirees Are Changing Texas Elections!
October 31, 2016: New records are being set in Texas vote-by-mail totals as we get ready for Wednesday's meetings of two of our biggest chapters -- Dallas and Houston. [caption id="attachment_1982" align="aligncenter" width="523"] From voter registration to the v...Read more >
Dallas Plans Attack on the Right to Retire
October 06, 2016: Seniors in Dallas are already receiving their vote-by-mail ballots. The wording for Proposition One is completely unreadable and totally misleading. Fortunately, the Dallas newspaper has provided some insights into what Proposition One would actually...Read more >
Phone Banking Works for Seniors!
October 05, 2016: It's time to phone bank if you want to win in 2016! [caption id="attachment_1968" align="alignnone" width="1167"] Maralyn Hamaker makes calls to Dallas area seniors[/caption] See for a short video on phon...Read more >