All over Texas, members of the Texas Alliance for Retired Americans (TARA) are in the first ranks of the many ongoing battles for decent living, rights, and dignity in America. Retirees are making calls, filling out petitions, visiting political leaders, and hitting the str... Read more
Texas Retirees Are In The Fray!
The sheer amount of work that our 6 Texas chapters are doing is a true wonder.
[caption id="attachment_2101" align="aligncenter" width="960"] Yolanda Delgado of Austin TARA at women's march[/caption]
Austin collected over 300 petition signatures during their giant 50,000-pe... Read more
Texans Are In Action on MLK Day and Beyond!
The Texas Legislative session began January 10 and the federal government is changing hands. Retirees aren't sitting on ours! For most of Texas, the next big public event is Martin Luther King Jr celebrations on the 16th.
[caption id="attachment_2050" align="aligncenter" width... Read more
Commit to Fight, Now!
We are facing threats that are bigger and more urgent than any in our lifetimes!
Congressmen Sam Johnson and Paul Ryan agree on attacking Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid
I'm asking every Texan who wants to save and expand the right to retire to support the Texas All... Read more
Write Your Friends!
Grace Akbar tells Dallas activists that they need to outreach everybody they know to organize our progressive movement.
[caption id="attachment_2058" align="aligncenter" width="700"] Grace Akbar[/caption]
She and friend Ethel Castaneda, both retired schoolteachers, wrote up... Read more
Dallas Chapter Will Support MLK, Oppose Sam Johnson
The Dallas Chapter of the Texas Alliance for Retired Americans met at 12:30PM on January 5 in the "Lucky Room" at the Crown Buffet Chinese restaurant.
[caption id="attachment_2060" align="aligncenter" width="700"] Judy Bryant speaks while Barbara Rojas counts the collection[/c... Read more
Apply Now to Vote By Mail
Voters over 65 years old can vote by mail in Texas. Even better, they only have to ask once for an application that applies to every election in a given year. So, apply now and vote by mail all year!
[caption id="attachment_1588" align="aligncenter" width="410"] Savvy Seniors ... Read more
Texans Picket Congressman Sam Johnson for Social Security
On December 28, right in the middle of the holidays, Texas seniors picketed Congressman Sam Johnson in Plano.
[caption id="attachment_2046" align="aligncenter" width="700"] Some of the picketers posed in front of Johnson's office building at 1255 15th Street[/caption]
... Read more
Retirees Must Sound Off!
Texas seniors need to sing our songs and tell our stories everywhere! We expect the worst if we remain quiet!
We are contacting key congresspersons, like Lloyd Doggett in the photo above, during the holiday season. We're writing letters, making calls, and looking for mor... Read more