December 29, 2021
Our Vote Is Our Voice
We Will Not Be Silenced!
Texans over 65 and certain others should apply to vote by mail early in 2022. One application can make voting easy in every election throughout the year!
The easy way is to go to The web site asks who you are, then checks to make certain that your registration is in perfect order.
Then It Gets Even Better! then asks if you want to apply to vote by mail. It helps you start the simple application form. Texas law won’t let you finish it on-line, but will send you the partially completed form along with simple instructions. It’s completely free and easy. In some counties, you won’t even need a postage stamp!

Helping Others?
You can get postage-free voter registration cards from the Texas Secretary of State. Ask for 100 of them from They work in any Texas county.
If you want vote-by-mail applications, download one from the Texas Secretary of State: Make copies for your friends.
There are simple boxes for “annual application,” and a choice of political party for primary elections. They are supposed to be mailed to your county elections office. The addresses are on the Secretary of State page:
For every election, you’ll receive your free ballot far in advance of the election. You’ll have plenty of time to look over all the candidates and propositions, then make sure your vote gets in! In 2022, we will even be able to “track” our applications.
The Texas Alliance for Retired Americans is joining with partners across the state to gain democracy and this vital life-saving right for all Texas voters.
Have Questions?
We fought against most of the voter suppression from the Texas legislature, but they passed their bills anyway. To update on the changes on Texas election law, TARA will present a webinar at 6 PM Central Time on January 4.
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Passcode: 247462
Or Telephone:
USA 816 423 4261 US Toll
USA 888 844 9904 US Toll-free
Conference code: 990839
Meeting ID: 824 6568 4096
Passcode: 247462
Please contact Judy Bryant with any questions and thanks for your help.
In solidarity
Gene Lantz, President