October 14, 2019
Lower Prescription Drug Prices Now!
TARA members in Houston, Austin and Dallas took part in a National Day of Action to Lower Prescription Drug Prices by visiting the offices of Cong. Dan Crenshaw, Cong. Roger Williams and Cong. Colin Allred. In Houston, Cong. Crenshaw’s Casework Manager Amy Harrison discussed HR3 and ideas about ways to lower drug prices with Rita Runnels, Sharon Taylor,Cheryl Anderson, Paula Cooper and Ellen Shaw. They also talked about the WEP and HB4540 as did the Dallas members. In Austin, members Tony Padilla, Jan Lance and Thom Woodruff shared how high drug prices are drastically affecting seniors who often don’t take their medicines with Constituent Liaison Monique Wright in Cong. Williams’ office. Dallas TARA members Mary Chambers, Bob Fusinato, Zen Biasco, Martha Chapman and Judy Bryant said thanks to Cong. Allred for his support of and work toward lowering drug prices during their visit with Rozi Hovhannisyan, Constituent Advocate.
The Coastal Bend Retirees group met October 10 for its monthly meeting. Texas AFT TARA Executive Board Member Elaine Jones chaired the meeting on behalf of President Kina Pena who was on assignment in her CCAFT duties. The speaker was Isabel Jones who is a Financial Educator. Her company gives seven lessons on budgeting, saving, investing, etc. Her presentation was well received and several members signed up for their classes. During the business meeting members discussed and then voted to change the starting time of future meetings from 1:00 to 1:30 to allow easier attendance to AFT/ARA meetings by AFT retirees who work for CCAFT but serve as ARA officers.