December 13, 2017
Worse Than We Thought
The House Ways and Means Committee under Chairman Kevin Brady, a Republican whose district is centered on Huntsville, may significantly increase the tax burden of public employees’ pensions. While billionaires and corporations get breaks, public service retirees get broken!

Brady can be reached through his web site: , on Twitter: @RepKevinBrady, or by phone: 202-225-4901.
Teachers and employees of all Texas state, county, and municipal entities would be hit hard since investment income accounts for a great deal of their pensions.
Brady’s committee will input into the final reconciliation version of the tax giveaway and budget cut bills previously passed separately in the House and Senate.
Social Security Works summarizes this awful legislation: “This tax scam would result in 13 million fewer Americans with health insurance, and would trigger $400 billion in automatic cuts to Medicare. “
The Texas Alliance for Retired Americans stands with public service employees and all retirees. Save our right to retire!
–Gene Lantz, President
Texas Alliance for Retired Americans
Find us on Facebook: Texas Alliance for Retired Americans