Economic Security
November 13, 2017
2018 Has Begun!
2018 Elections Are Underway
Would you consider becoming a Precinct Chair in 2018? They are the central grass-roots organizers who will turn out the vote in November. Precinct Chairs must nominate themselves during the same period as candidates. The deadline is December 11.
Change the Worst Texas Voters Into the Best
Members and associates of the Texas Alliance for Retired Americans (TARA) are the best voters in the state, because their percentage turnout is much higher than younger people and they vote in their own interests. Texas retirees not associated with TARA have been the worst voters, because they also vote in high percentages, but they have been voting for the people who are trying to cut our throats!
TARA members and associates can reach out and turn the rest of the retirees into good voters, and that is our intention. Having more of us become precinct chairs is part of the answer!

Click here to download a Precinct Chair application
Click here for a description of Precinct Chair opportunities
Your precinct number is on your voter registration card, or click here to find it
For a list of current Precinct Chairs in Texas, click here. You may notice that many Chairs are vacant. If yours is vacant, click here for an example of an application to fill it soon.
You can Google any County Party Headquarters. For example, put “Anderson County Texas Democrats” into your browser to find the Democratic Party headquarters in Anderson County, Texas.
Take the Power And Use It
At election time, seniors normally think only about whether or not we will vote. But these are not normal times. Today, seniors need to grab every opportunity to educate and activate others. Precinct Chairs get lists of voters and nonvoters in their area. TARA could help with registration, education, outreach and social activities to increase turnout by the good voters.
The critical area for winning in 2018 is your own neighborhood!
Get With TARA
TARA Chapters can be found in major metropolitan areas. Click here for the one nearest you. Each of them invites everyone and meets monthly. The Fort Worth Chapter meets Wednesday:
- FT WORTH, TX 76116
The Golden Triangle Chapter has delayed their usual second Tuesday meeting until November 21:
- November 21, 9:15 AM
- USW Local 13-243
- 2490 S. 11th St. Beaumont, Texas 77701

We’re Still Under the Congressional Gun
While we are preparing for 2018, we still have to deal with the catastrophe caused by the current office holders. The Tax Deform bills in the House and Senate are slightly different, but both of them give the big bucks to the rich and take away drastically from Medicare and Medicaid. Call our free hot line: 1-866-828-4162.
Keep up the fight!
–Gene Lantz, President
Texas Alliance for Retired Americans
Find us on Facebook: Texas Alliance for Retired Americans