November 01, 2017
Fight Today, Plan for 2018
We’re Fighters!

The Dallas Chapter meeting started right after we did yet another downtown picket for retiree rights. We committed ourselves to joining the national call in day against the Republican plan to slash Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security Disability Insurance. We will be using the free toll call at 1-866-828-4162 all day November 2. The Houston Chapter also meets on First Wednesdays and had similar discussions.
We Organize!
Texas Organizer Judy Bryant has arranged for our next state convention at the Downtown Sheraton Hotel in Austin, 1 – 5 PM on January 19. We elect officers and plan activities together every two years.
Chapters are bringing in new members and making sure that democratic procedures apply. The Dallas Chapter will elect officers at our December 6 (First Wednesday) meeting.
Get Ready for 2018
The best voters in Texas are involved with the Texas Alliance for Retired Americans. They vote for seniors’ rights, and they vote in higher proportions than any other age group.
The worst voters in Texas are seniors who are not involved with the Texas Alliance for Retired Americans. They, too, vote in high proportions, but they generally have been voting against senior issues such as health care, pensions, and Social Security. They don’t know any better, and they have no one to trust for guidance.
Turning that around is the topic of discussion in our active chapters in the major metropolitan areas of the state. In the Dallas Chapter meeting on November 1, Fernando Rojas volunteered to set up a special committee to plan electoral actions in 2018’s critical elections. Two more good suggestions came forward.
Once we have established which races we will target, we might hold meetings in those areas rather than continuing to hold all our meetings at 334 Centre in Dallas. Another idea was to establish a drama team, possibly with original music, to perform at senior centers, union halls, and other venues where we can advance solid ideas about voting for seniors’ rights. Two of our Dallas activists are professional performers.
Keep up the fight!
–Gene Lantz, President
Texas Alliance for Retired Americans
Find us on Facebook: Texas Alliance for Retired Americans