Retirement Security
January 04, 2017
Dallas Chapter Will Support MLK, Oppose Sam Johnson
The Dallas Chapter of the Texas Alliance for Retired Americans met at 12:30PM on January 5 in the “Lucky Room” at the Crown Buffet Chinese restaurant.

Two motions were passed:
- To participate with Dallas labor in the January 16 Martin Luther King Jr march and parade
- To campaign to change the course set by Congressman Sam Johnson in cutting Social Security and, further, to ask our National Alliance to join in
The annual MLK march will set up at 1400 MLK Blvd between 8:30 and 10AM. They march one mile to the Pennsylvania exit of Fair Park, where most people leave their cars. Seats will be available on labor’s float. Progressive signs and slogans are allowed.
Seniors recently picketed Congressman Sam Johnson’s Plano office because of his proposal to drastically cut Social Security. A recent newspaper article said, “Watch Out!” Johnson is also strategically placed to vote on health care issues. Some leading Democrats and Senator Bernie Sanders have asked for a day of action on January 15.
The meeting began with a new song by Linda Coleman and Gene Lantz:
“Hang down your head Sam Johnson, hang down your head and cry
‘Hang down your head Sam Johnson, don’t care if people die…”

Then we had a report and discussion on our December 28 street actions. Morris Fried and Bob Fusinato explained how they and other constituents of Congressman Sam Johnson had tried to get appointments during the recess, but Johnson made no provisions to see them.
Kim Batchelor said that her church is starting a postcard campaign to Congressman Johnson.
Maralyn Hamaker asked people to attend the all-day workshops sponsored by “Our Revolution” on January 7 at 1408 N Washington in Dallas. Judy Bryant asked people to help with our table.
The many upcoming progressive events were described and discussed.
Judy Bryant explained the importance of our national call-in day for Medicare. She handed out national phone number and local phone numbers of key congresspersons.
Tom Berry passed around his cowboy hat and raised another $89 for the chapter. We voted a $30 tip for the waitress and then adjourned.
–gene lantz