December 11, 2016
Congressman Doggett Backs Retirees in Fight for Rights
Congressman Lloyd Doggett expects to join the retiree news conference at noon on Thursday, December 15, at the Lamar Seniors Activity Center at 2874 Shoalcrest Ave, corner of 29th and Lamar, in Austin.

Scheduling difficulties may present a problem, but the champion of seniors’ rights expects to come.
The news conference will declare the implacable resistance of Texas seniors to all plans to curtail the right to retire. Threats against Medicare are coming from Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and the nominee for Secretary of Health and Human Services, Tom Price. Congressman Sam Johnson of Plano just introduced a new bill to cut into Social Security.
Nationwide, seniors and our supporters are mobilizing. National Alliance for Retired Americans offers a free webinar at 2PM Texas time on Monday, December 12. Click here to RSVP.

The next meeting of the Golden Triangle Chapter of the Texas Alliance For Retired Americans is scheduled on Tuesday, December 13, 2016; 9:15a.m., 2490 South 11th Street, Beaumont, TX
Texans are emailing, writing, calling, and visiting congresspersons. More strategies will be discussed at our December 15 meeting after the Austin news conference. Tell me or Judy Bryant if you want to come because space is limited. Austin leader Glenn Scott at 512 -657-0184 has details.
Get organized in your own area with your area leaders:
Click here for the Facebook page in your area.
–Gene Lantz, President
Texas Alliance for Retired Americans
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