November 28, 2016
Texans Starting Fightback — Emergency Council December 15
News articles are announcing that the incoming government is likely to turn Medicare/Medicaid over to the insurance companies. Click here for one of them.

The Executive Board of the Texas Alliance for Retired Americans has decided to open an immediate fightback against any and all threats to the right to retire. The most immediate one comes from the Speaker of the House, who has been trying to privatize Medicare for the last several sessions, and thinks he will succeed in 2017!
We are asking all supporters to start contacting their Congresspersons by e-mail, telephone, letter, and personal visits. Emails can be sent easily by clicking here.
Anyone not sure who represents them may click here. The National Alliance for Retired Americans specifically asked us to form delegations during the weeks of December 5th and 12th.
Your Ideas Are Needed
The old slogan applies: “Don’t Mourn, Organize!” This is not a time to commiserate, but to come up with the best possible plans of action and implementation. Let us know your ideas and start figuring out how you can get to Austin at noon on December 15 for an emergency fightback council.
Austin to Host Planning Council
We intend to expand the Austin Chapter meeting at Lamar Seniors Activity Center at 2874 Shoalcrest Ave, at the corner of 29th and Lamar. We’ll start with a statewide news conference and then hold an open Board of Directors meeting with activists from all over the state. Tell me or Judy Bryant if you want to come because space is limited. Austin leader Glenn Scott at 512 -657-0184 has details.
Get organized in your own area with your area leaders:
Click here for the Facebook page in your area.
–Gene Lantz, President
Texas Alliance for Retired Americans
Sign our petition for Medicaid Expansion:
Find us on Facebook: Texas Alliance for Retired Americans
Volunteer to build a vital movement for retirement rights in Texas