Economic Security
October 31, 2016
Retirees Are Changing Texas Elections!
New records are being set in Texas vote-by-mail totals as we get ready for Wednesday’s meetings of two of our biggest chapters — Dallas and Houston.

Since we changed our legal status for 2016, the Texas Alliance has been involved in every aspect of politics. This is the first year ever that we’ve been able to endorse and support candidates.

In Dallas, retiree activists joined with the labor movement in opposing pension cuts disguised on the ballot as “Proposition 1.” See one of the videos of our downtown rally.
We also helped organize and carry out an early voting rally. Th is a short video one and a longer one. Several other videos are on Facebook:
Your Texas Alliance hopes to see a genuine change in senior voting trends this year. Senior political issues have never been clearer, and the differences between the candidates and parties have never been more stark!
–Gene Lantz, President
Texas Alliance for Retired Americans
Sign our petition for Medicaid Expansion:
Find us on Facebook: Texas Alliance for Retired Americans
Volunteer to build a vital movement for retirement rights in Texas