July 27, 2016
Texas Retirees Succeed in First of Nine Events
Before August 26, Texas retirees will have held 9 public events. The first one took place in Grand Prairie on July 26. State Representative Chris Turner and District 105 candidate Terry Mesa helped retirees appreciate Medicare/Medicaid as the anniversary approaches. They also joined together in demanding improvement, especially in Texas Medicaid!

A short video of the event is available by clicking here.
The two political leaders explained that the Affordable Care Act was supposed to cover the working poor who barely make too much money to qualify for Medicaid. But then, Texas Republicans refused to expand Medicaid and left more than a million Texans without coverage!
Texas remains the worst state in the union for people without insurance coverage! If the state accepted the federal dollars for Medicaid expansion, the positive economic effect would go far beyond the initial amounts, Chris Turner explained. Terry Meza added that our emergency care burden would be lightened.
In the 2016 elections, retirees are not just trying to save our right to retire. For the first time in decades, we are out to expand and improve the right to retire in America, and we have a good shot at it!
July 30, the actual anniversary of Medicare/Medicaid, will see events in Houston and Dallas, then the retirees will turn their attention to the August 14 anniversary of Social Security with events in Austin, Beaumont, Corpus Christi, Dallas, and Grand Prairie. Click here for a list.
Here are the next 3 events:
- Saturday July 30, 2016 1-4 pm
- Medicare/Medicaid Birthday
- Ceole Speight House of Labor
- Cong. Sheila Jackson Lee, speaker
- 2506 Sutherland St.
- Houston, Texas 77023
- Saturday, July 30, 2016 6 pm
- College of Complexes-Gene Lantz speaks
- “The Necessity of Taking the Offer of Federal Money for Medicaid Expansion”
- Romo’s Pizza and Italian Restaurant
- 7402 Greenville Ave
- Dallas Texas 75231
- Wednesday, August 3, 2016 12:30-2:30 pm
- Social Security Birthday Celebration
- Dallas TARA Chapter-Cong. Marc Veasey speaker
- APWU Hall, 2010 Postal Way
- Dallas, Texas 75212
Retiree activists are phone banking into every area where we set up events in order to inform and activate more retirees into our growing movement.
For more info contact Judy Bryant at 214-729-0063
–Gene Lantz, President
Texas Alliance for Retired Americans
Sign our petition for Medicaid Expansion: https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/expand-medicaid-in-texas-2
Find us on Facebook: Texas Alliance for Retired Americans
Volunteer to build a vital movement for retirement rights in Texas