
November 24, 2022

Strengthen the Retiree Movement

The Texas Alliance for Retired Americans has proven its worth over and over, but much more needs to be done.

Please join our campaign to add muscle to the retiree movement by helping Texans march to the top in their understanding and their commitment to activity.

There are over four million seniors in Texas. Every Texan of every age hopes to have a good retirement someday; consequently, everybody in the state belongs in our campaign. They need to rise!

TARA has a growing list of contacts through e-mail and social media. We also have a list of members who have paid $10 annual dues. Members also participate in some of our actions and campaigns. A smaller number of Texans give regular “sustainer” donations to build senior power. Above them are  organizers who help disseminate information and bring in new activists. At the top tier are the leaders who suggest tactics and strategies to strengthen our organization and our movement.

Campaign Stage One is to build up our list of contacts. Activists are urged to bring people to chapter meetings, to reformat and forward our information (do not simply forward our emails), to “share” our Facebook posts and “retweet” our Twitter posts, and to “invite friends” to “like” our Facebook accounts.

Campaign Stage Two is to ask our friends for $10/year. This is difficult for everyone and there is no such thing as a “natural” fund raiser. It’s hard, but it’s just work and it has to be done! There are several ways to make a donation, but the easiest is to click on a “donate” button like the one at the bottom of this post.

Campaign Stage Three is to ask activists to make a small monthly donation to TARA.  Even $5/month is a big commitment. It adds up to $60/year and really helps TARA.

Campaign Stage Four is to organize groups for the retiree movement. Many activists already belong to a union/church/community organization that could become part of TARA’s statewide action and information network. If they do not already have such an organization, they could let TARA leadership help them organize one! We ask each such organization for $25/year.

Campaign Stage Five is to join our leadership circle. Leaders look for ways to strengthen our organization and our movement. Ask for major contributions. Evaluate events that affect the right to retire and propose suitable activities. Educate and activate others.

Our campaign uplifts Texans!

In Solidarity

Gene Lantz,

Texas Alliance for Retired Americans


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