March 15, 2021
TARA’s Free the Vote Campaign
The Texas Alliance for Retired Americans (TARA) needs you. In 2021, we want you to help us fight Texas voter suppression so that we can use our power at the polls to make breakthroughs on key issues.

It’s harder to vote in Texas than in any other state. Texas has the most restrictive voter registration laws in the country, with no online, automatic, or Election Day voter registration. The result is lower turnout. Photo identification requirements also are barriers. The 2020 election was also plagued with closures of polling places.
Apply to vote by mail if you are eligible. Texas laws are among the worst in the nation for voting by mail, restricting who is eligible and requiring a yearly application be sent by mail. But, if you are eligible (for example, 65 or over or disabled), you can apply for a mail ballot.
Make sure your family members, friends, and neighbors are registered. We’ll be telling you how.
Don’t be fooled by Texas lawmakers pushing “voter integrity” legislation. Over 130 bills have been filed in the Texas legislature to restrict voting access, impede voter registration, purge voter rolls, and more. TARA will be providing legislative updates and calls to action.
Support H.R.1 (For the People Act) and H.R.4 (John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act). Tell your Congressional representatives that you support federal legislation to protect the right to vote, ensuring access to the best tool citizens have in a democracy.
Work for a fair vote. Texas voting districts are gerrymandered in ways that are unfair and suppress voting. Those in control at the legislature want to lock in their control by carving Texas up into new districts favoring them when districts are redrawn in the fall to reflect increased population. We’ll tell you how to get involved in fighting for fair districts that give us a fair shot at progress on key issues.
Stop the grandstanding on energy policy. Our statewide elected leaders failed us in the freeze. Their failure to regulate energy companies had catastrophic consequences, leaving millions of Texans without basic necessities like heat, electricity, water, and food.
Stop grandstanding with our health. Increase Medicaid funding so that more Texans have access to health care. Tell the truth about wearing masks and ensuring that schools are safe. Vaccinate educators, teachers and school staff. They are front line workers. Make access to vaccinations easy and fair, particularly for communities most at risk from COVID-19.
Get ready for 2022. Statewide elected leaders up for re-election in 2022 are making voter suppression their priority. They should be making health and safety a priority. Help TARA fight for retired Texans and all Texans.
–TARA Projects Committee