December 03, 2019
Join the Convention!
The Houston and Dallas TARA chapters meet this week. If you live in these areas, you will receive a separate email with meeting details.
Please mark your calendars for Friday, January 24, 2020, from 11:00 a.m.- 2:30 p.m. as we will hold our Texas Alliance for Retired Americans Biennial Convention that day at the Becky Moeller Auditorium of the Texas AFL-CIO at 1106 Lavaca St. in Austin. We will hear from our TARA President Tony Padilla and Alliance for Retired Americans Executive Director Rich Fiesta. We will have speakers and panels discussing our TARA actions and ways to increase membership, Medicare For All and What It Really Means, The 2020 Census and What It Means for Retirees, plus our important TARA role in the 2020 Elections. We will elect the TARA President, Secretary and Treasurer for the biennium. The registration fee is $10 if paid before the convention and $15 on site. This fee includes lunch and materials. We ask you to please complete a registration form and pay the fee at your next local chapter meeting. You may also find links to the forms here. In order to be a certified voting delegate, your $10 yearly TARA dues must also be current. Chapters will discuss transportation to Austin at their meetings.
TARA Activists Eddie Morgan, Charlotte Connelly and Field Organizer Judy Bryant again joined UNITE HERE/Sky Chef brothers and sisters at DFW Terminal D to march, rally and say to American Airlines that #One Job Should Be Enough! Bryant told the group that TARA retirees support them because if they don’t earn a living wage, they likely can never retire and if they can’t afford health care, they may not live to retire. A number of protestors were arrested inside the terminal in acts of civil disobedience as they blocked the ticket counter. There was also very tight security present.