September 30, 2019
Retirees For Democracy!
The TARA Houston and Dallas TARA chapters meet this week. If you live in these areas, you will receive a separate email about the meetings.
TARA activists Zen Biasco, Morris Fried, Bob Fusinato, Patricia Murphy and Larry Hamilton joined Clean Elections Texas members in front of Sen. John Cornyn’s Dallas office for a Secure The Vote rally. They spoke to urge the Senate to pass the $600 million House funding bill for election security and more.
“Thanks Austin chapter of Texas Alliance for Retired Americans (TARA) for a spirited discussion of Medicare for All.” These were the words of Louis Malfaro after his recent presentation to the TARA Austin chapter. “The wealthiest 1% of Americans, whose wealth now exceeds that of the bottom 50%, are trying to convince us that America somehow is unable to afford healthcare for all her people- poppycock! Give us back some of your ill-gotten gains by paying your share of taxes and we’ll have healthcare for all and still more millionaires and billionaires than we need.”

Support of UAW GM workers on strike
TARA members have supported GM strikers in various ways and continue to do so. Field Organizer Judy Bryant, Secretary Gene Lantz and activist Charlotte Connelly joined UAW 816 strikers on their picket line at the Roanoke GM Parts Facility, while activists Ken and Mary Stretcher picketed with UAW 276 strikers at the Arlington GM plant.
International Day of Older Persons is Tomorrow October 1
Almost 700 million people are now over the age of 60, and that number is expected to reach 1.4 billion by 2030. On October 1 the United Nations’ International Day of Older Persons will bring international experts together to explore ways to change the narrative of “old age.”
The discussions will focus on life-long learning, labor policies and universal health coverage.
“Older people and retirees deserve respect and support,” said Joseph Peters, Jr., Secretary-Treasurer of the Alliance. “The International Day of Older Persons helps to remind us that this is a global challenge.”