January 22, 2018
Retirees Hold State Convention
Texas retirees set new “firsts” at our convention in Austin on January 19. It was the first time that our state meeting represented seven active chapters – one in each of the major metropolitan areas. It was the first time that a major leader from the national Alliance for Retired Americans attended – Field Organizer Brendan Kelly gave a report and also swore in the officers. It was the first time that Tony Padilla of Buda, Texas, has taken over this essential part of the Texas labor movement!

Padilla of the Machinists’ union was elected President. Lewis Fulbright of the Postal Employees was re-elected Treasurer. Gene Lantz of the Autoworkers union was elected Secretary.

On a motion from Padilla, the convention voted to renew our financial arrangement with national for payment of their Texas Field Organizer. Judy Bryant of Dallas and of the Teachers’ union continues in that post.
In the national report, Brendan Kelly said that Texas is a “leading example” among the 36 states that are presently chartered. ARA has 36 states chartered. Strong retiree groups will be needed, he said, because certain politicians, most notably Speaker of the House Paul Ryan are coming at us hard. The newest toolkit from national is titled “2018 Save Medicare& Medicaid.”
Kelly recapped the so-called “spending bill” that just became law. He said, “It was actually a budget with tax information inside it. That’s how they got away with only 51 votes.” Retirees had hoped for real tax reform that would have left us better off, instead of what the Republicans passed. The new legislation “creates conditions for cuts to Medicare/Medicaid.”
Kelly encouraged Texas retirees to continue our strong activism. One of the things we often do is visit congresspersons in their home districts. Kelly said the next scheduled recesses will be Jan 21-28, Feb 18-25, and March 25-April 9. National will continue to provide the free telephone hot line for lobbying work: 866-828-4162.
Questions for Kelly came hot and fast. Texas activists want to know about anticipated future legislation, about ways to measure our growing political effectiveness, about the effect of military spending on retiree benefits, about how we can defend Social Security, and about activities in May (Older Americans Month). Kelly warned the group that certain phony organizations are being set up to develop support for devastating retiree benefits. Everyone must be on guard.
The rest of the convention agenda was all Texas-grown. Speakers talked about our successes in the past and our future intentions. Ted Melina-Raab came from the Texas American Federation of Teachers to talk especially about the attacks against the pensions and health care needed by public sector workers and retirees. He summed up the attitudes of many Texas politicians: “They hate the public sector.”
Several speakers encouraged all activists to sharpen their communications skills by learning and using social media. Fernando Rojas of the Dallas Chapter gave a presentation on a precinct-by-precinct approach to building TARA and winning the elections. Reverend Harmon Dent, head of the Golden Triangle chapter that meets in Beaumont, talked about a faith-based approach to strengthening the retiree movement. His church has already had a 2018 voter registration drive!
Other chapter presidents reported their activities and gave suggestions for future success. Elaine Jones talked about how to avoid financial scams. Texas AFL-CIO leaders Rick Levy and Montserrat Garibay gave a quick overview of state labor activities and plans.
So far, the Texas Alliance and our partners in other organizations have had great success in fighting off attacks from Texas government. But the battle goes on.
Some of the convention activities were just for fun. Jack McCabe recited while Thom World Poet played the guitar. The convention ended loud and strong with the singing of our Texas Alliance Anthem. See our Facebook page for more comments and photos.
-–Gene Lantz, Secretary
Texas Alliance for Retired Americans
Find us on Facebook: Texas Alliance for Retired Americans
Bio of Anthony (Tony) Padilla, 303 Black Cap Run, Buda, Texas 78610, H-512-523-8465, C-512-552-8703,
BIO as of 1-29-2018
Elected President of the Texas Alliance for Retired Americans on January 19, 2018. Served as Secretary for the Texas Alliance for Retired Americans (TARA) and have been a member since 2009
Trained to represent retirees at the IAM School Institute and earned several advance Certificates.
• 50 Years Union member Serving workers and the community as an activist.
• Elected President of the Texas Alliance for Retired Americans on January 19, 2018. Served as Secretary for the Texas Alliance for Retired Americans (TARA) and has been a member since 2009.
• Trained to represent retirees at the IAM William Winpisinger Educational and Technology Center Institute and earned several Certificates on Advanced Retiree Education and Strategy Programs upon retirement in 2009.
• Secretary of the Texas Alliance for Retired Americans and National Vice President of National Association of Retired and Veteran Railway Employees (NARVRE).
• For 50 years has been working as a National and Community advocate on issues affecting workers, children, women, seniors and working with many groups dealing with protecting Pensions, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and an Affordable Health Care for all: Protecting civil rights including LGBT and condemning all injustices against minorities.
• Served as President of the Austin LCLAA from 1975 to 1989 and later as National Vice President of the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement.
• Elected to serve as Secretary Treasurer of the Austin AFL-CIO CLC and served until promoted to be National Legislative and Political Director of the Transportation Communications Union in 1989.
• Tony Padilla was one of the original Lobbyist that created Amtrak and consequently was chosen to represent Amtrak Employees locally and at the National Level.
• Lobbied in the Texas Legislature for 20 years with the Texas AFL-CIO COPE committee for Rail Labor workers.
• Lobbied for 20 years in Washington D.C. with the National AFL-CIO in the Political and Legislative Department representing Rail and Airline Workers BRAC/TCU/IAM both in the State of Texas and in Washington, DC.
• Retired in 2009 with 43 years of Service as National Legislative and Political Director from the Transportation Communications Union/International Association of Machinists and Aero Space Workers (IAM) in Washington, D.C. from 1989 to 2009. TCU Merged with the IAM in 2005.
• Tony Padilla was Delegate to Democratic National Convention for Walter Mondale in 1984 and attended the National Democratic Conventions for all presidents since President Jimmy Carter and has attended every Presidential inaugural up to President Obama’s inaugurals.
• Graduate Southwest Texas State University-1983 B.A. Degree in Management and Minor in Political Science. Graduate from San Antonio, Community College in 1973 with an Applied Science Degree in Business Management.
• Tony Padilla joined the BRAC Rail Union on November 1, 1966 “The Brotherhood of Railway of Airline and Clerks Union and immediately became an activist and officer as a Legislative Representative working for the Union.