Retirement Security
December 15, 2017
Think Big!
Think Even Bigger!
If TARA activists are audacious, we can change senior voting patterns in Texas next year.
Our biggest and most important state convention is set for 1-4 PM on January 19 in Austin. Activists around the state should be looking at chartering buses. Instead of timidly inquiring about transportation, we must think of every obstacle as a challenge to be overcome!
At the convention, we must elect the strongest leaders and develop the most powerful plan for the coming elections.

We Are Stronger Than Ever
TARA is stronger right now than any retiree advocacy group in the history of Texas! The convention will include activists from seven thriving chapters representing the seven largest metropolitan districts in the state. We have affiliates and supporters all over Texas. We have the full backing of the labor movement. We have help from technical and political experts from 38 other states and from Washington, DC.
There are no better informed or capable leaders of the retiree movement. Even if some other organization wanted to take over for the benefit of seniors, they couldn’t do it as well as we can!
Even though we couldn’t ask for better telecommunications, and even though we are excellent at getting publicity, our real strength is in one-on-one contact. Nobody has as much success with telephoning as seniors-calling-seniors.
There Are Mountains to Climb
There are 3.8 million Texans aged 60 and over. Among all states, Texas has the third largest elderly population. At least 75% of seniors, probably more, are registered to vote. We are 20% of the electorate. Our turnout percentage is bigger than any younger age group.
During the last mid-term elections, 71% of Texas seniors voted for the candidates that are today tearing down all the structures of the right to retire. They didn’t have access to the information that TARA members have, and they didn’t have the leadership that TARA activists provide.
There Are Positive Trends
Until recently, many retirees did not believe that their pensions, Social Security, and health care were in danger. They are finding out fast. Until recently, many retirees did not believe that American government would turn against them, but they are finding out fast.
Until recently, most Texas retirees did not have anyone to turn to for help. Now they do! It’s you!
Make your plans now to come to Austin for the TARA convention!
-–Gene Lantz, President
Texas Alliance for Retired Americans
Find us on Facebook: Texas Alliance for Retired Americans