October 30, 2017
Fight the Cuts and Tax Giveaways
As the noose tightens around all seniors’ necks, we’re fighting back all over Texas!
Call Congress Thursday, Nov 2
Sign up here to be part of the Alliance’s call in day and national Alliance for Retired Americans will send you talking points and a reminder to make your voice heard.
Demonstrate in Dallas
- 11 AM Wednesday, November 1
- 1101 Commerce, Belo Gardens Park
- Sign up on our Facebook Event
Pizza will be served at our regular meeting at 334 Centre Street right after the downtown protest.
Planning Meeting in Houston
- 11:30 Wednesday, November 1
- 2704 Sutherland, Houston 77023
- Sign up on our Facebook Event
We expect such leaders as John Patrick, Richard Shaw, and Gayle Fallon to attend the Houston meeting. Find other fighting Texas chapters by clicking here.

Cuts for Us; Tax Breaks for the Wealthy
The budget will lead to cuts of nearly $500 billion from Medicare and more than $1 trillion from Medicaid over the next 10 years. It paves the way for massive tax breaks for the rich. It will add $1.5 trillion to the federal deficit.
“The government’s disregard for citizens, particularly older Americans, is palpable in this budget. Gutting much-needed safety nets for average Americans so that billionaires and corporations can line their pockets is beyond cruel,” said Richard Fiesta, executive director of the Alliance.
With the unveiling of the Republican tax bill set for November 1, and a U.S. House vote that could happen as early as November 13, the time to call your representative is now.
Sign up here to be part of the Alliance’s call in day on November 2 and we will send you talking points and a reminder to make your voice hear.
The Republican Tax bill is bad for working families. It will:
● Slash Medicaid and Medicare, which are essential for retirees and working Americans;
● Will add $1.5 trillion to the federal deficit.
● Will only benefit wealthy Americans.
So far, all votes have been very close. We can still win if we fight!
–Gene Lantz, President
Texas Alliance for Retired Americans
Find us on Facebook: Texas Alliance for Retired Americans