October 05, 2017
Seniors Sharpen Swords
The best weapon against lies and trickery is facts, and the Texas Alliance for Retired Americans sharpens our facts at every meeting.

The Dallas Chapter met, as usual, on the first Wednesday at 12:30PM at 334 Centre. Activists called 1-866-828-4162 to try to stop the House of Representatives from making vicious cuts to Medicare and Medicaid in order to hand out free money to the wealthiest plutocrats. Republicans in the House passed the bill that same day, so the seniors are using the telephone number to call Senators to stop the legislation there.
Fernando Rojas started the meeting with an incisive explanation of the November election and the Dallas proposed budget. Kenneth Stretcher, who knows a lot of employees at Dallas County Schools, appealed to all seniors to vote “FOR” on the last item on the Dallas ballot. Vice President Tom Berry said that he had already voted “FOR” and that other seniors were already getting their vote-by-mail ballots.

Texas organizer Judy Bryant said that it would have been nice to have more time to celebrate our important victory over Trumpcare, but we have to worry about current legislation that may be even worse for seniors. She went over some of the worst features of the proposed Republican budget.
State President Gene Lantz said that our six Texas chapters are now a major force in Texas. The young organization is still finding its way, so he encouraged everyone to participate in upcoming membership drives, discussions, and the 2018 convention.
The group also discussed ways to continue improving retiree power in North Texas and throughout the state. One way, organizer Judy Bryant pointed out, was to increase our Facebook “likes.” Participants pulled out their phones, computers, and Ipads and went to work. They “liked” the Texas Alliance for Retired Americans page and then “invited friends” to like it. We added 26 new readers during the meeting!
–Gene Lantz, President
Texas Alliance for Retired Americans
Find us on Facebook: Texas Alliance for Retired Americans
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