Retirement Security
September 30, 2017
Today a Victory, Tomorrow a Challenge!
Dallas retirees and supporters will celebrate our major victory over Trumpcare at 12:30 PM Wednesday, October 4, at 334 Centre in Oak Cliff.

Another Attack Underway
But the Republicans in Congress are beating the war drums for more attacks. Their tax code and budget efforts would cut away seniors’ rights in order to provide giveaways to the very rich.
Organizer Judy Bryant writes, “On Monday, the AFL-CIO will notify state Federations and Central Labor Councils that they will be prioritizing mobilization around the GOP budget. In turn, we at the Alliance will send out a Tax and Budgets toolkit. The Alliance patch through line –(866) 828-4162 – is set to contact Members of the House next week and then will switch to the Senate the following week.”
Big Internet Progress
The Texas Alliance continues to inform and influence more people through telecommunications, especially through social media. Our Facebook posts currently appear on 911 other pages, because 911 others have “liked” our page, “Texas Alliance for Retired Americans.” All activists are encouraged go to the page and “invite friends.”
Everyone who wants to get more active or improve their internet skills are encouraged to join the free on-line meetings at 7 PM each Sunday. Browse to and click on the telephone icon. Online Meeting ID: genelantz19. For telephone only, call Dial 1-(641) 715-0632. Access Code: 968379
Seniors Face Transportation Cost Increase
Dallas Area Rapid Transit expects to raise rates 20% or more. Our allies in North Texas Transit Riders want people to come to the Board meeting Tuesday night, October 3, at 6:30 and speak against the fare increase.

Golf Volunteers Sought
Dallas AFL-CIO leader Mark York requests volunteers to help with the Operation Phoenix benefit golf tournament at 7 AM on October 16 at Thorntree Country Club, 825 W Wintergreen Rd, DeSoto, TX 75115. No experience required. Call 214-826-4808.
–Gene Lantz, President
Texas Alliance for Retired Americans
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