September 20, 2017
Super Seniors Fight Back!
Leaders of the Texas Alliance for Retired Americans are on the battlefronts everywhere in Texas.

The Board Reports
Short reports from TARA Board members on September 19th indicate that we’re doing our part for the disaster victims while also confronting the crises being forced on us by the Republican Congress
From our Coastal Bend Chapter, Elaine Jones reported that she is volunteering 6 days a week on disaster relief.
In Houston, Cheryl Anderson reports, “You can’t explain 50 inches of water. You just can’t.” She is working out of the Houston Federation of Teachers hall, which opened up as distribution center for relief supplies. Cheryl worked until last Friday without a day off. Richard and Ellen Shaw are out helping people clean their houses. Houston AFL-CIO leaders were especially concerned about TARA members. Cheryl organized the contact work. Cheryl says that the main article of clothing that people need is shoes.
In the Golden Triangle, Reverend Harmon Dent’s church was used to distribute relief materials. This weekend, they are getting sheet rock and other materials to get people back into their houses. Some of the out-of-state volunteers have stayed at the church. They recently opened a food pantry. They hand out a lot of bleach for cleaning. Dent said, “Many people lost everything, and I mean everything.”
In Austin, retirees pitched in with a phone bank to reach out to over 800 possible storm victims. They are referring disaster victims to the Texas Workers Relief Fund. TARA donated $1,000 to this worthy cause, according to Financial Director Lewis Fulbright. Austin is planning a public protest against the Republican health care proposal. They are also working with partner organizations for actions on National Voter Registration Day, September 26.
In Dallas, Barbara Rojas reported that the First Wednesday meeting studied the Texas legislative sessions just passed along with Representative Roberto Alonzo. The chapter also took a stand on a local issue in opposition to a big increase in transit fares. Judy Bryant is organizing a public protest against the latest Republican health care proposal.
The Fort Worth Chapter planned to discuss the emergencies caused by Republican proposals on health care and the federal budget.
I mistakenly reported that I would be going to San Antonio to meet with the retirees there, but found out later that there would be no meeting.
The reports on senior activities all over Texas were nothing short of stupendous!
The Next Big Battle
Before September ends, Republicans in Congress intend to pass a new “Trumpcare” bill. Our National Executive Director, Rich Fiesta, writes:
–Gene Lantz, President
Texas Alliance for Retired Americans
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