September 05, 2017
Keeping TARA’s Head Above Water
Texas retirees are finding ways to pitch in on Gulf Coast disaster relief. National ARA is encouraging donations to the Texas Worker Relief Fund, and several of our members have sent $100 contributions already.
The Dallas Chapter meets at 12:30 PM on Wednesday, September 6, at 334 Centre (at Bishop) in Dallas. Helping the disaster victims will top our agenda. North Texas TARA members participated in two major labor day events. The Dallas AFL-CIO Breakfast has announced that they raised $50,000 for disaster relief!

Reports from Beaumont, Corpus Christi, and Houston indicate that our activists are staying dry and throwing themselves into helping everybody else. Reverend Harmon Dent was asked if he wanted to get away from the floods in Beaumont by visiting Dallas. He replied “I’m needed here!” His home and church were spared from flooding. He added, “My church was used for bottled water distribution this morning. Jefferson County Democratic Party Headquarters opened as a shelter and food/ clothing and water distribution center. I been helping out there also. Using church van to transport people.
Several churches flooded and the pastors and some members will worship with us. Thank you very much for the offer, but, I’m needed here. Send prayers up for region.”
Houston Chapter President Cheryl Anderson is working long hours to help disaster victims. She writes about coping with 50 inches of rain. Clean up efforts have begun. Zeph Capo, President of Houston Federation of Teachers asked her about our TARA members and said to be sure to contact them to see if they need help with clean up efforts or cleaning supplies. Cheryl and others are working out of the offices of the Houston Federation of Teachers hall. She says that other union brothers and sisters have shown special concern for the retirees. Many Houstonians have lost their vehicles.
The main thing they need is cash. National ARA is encouraging donations to the Texas Worker Relief Fund.
–Gene Lantz, President
Texas Alliance for Retired Americans
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