Affordable Care Act
July 05, 2017
Texans In Battle
We have a plan to save and extend the right to retire in America: organize the retirees! Our chapters in every major Texas population center are working hard on the plan. Here are a few of the things going on right now:
Celebrate Medicare and Social Security

Action in Austin
Austin leader Glenn Scott writes:
This Republican Bill Cornyn helped author will mean death for thousands of Texans! Join me in protesting this awful bill. TARA is working with Indivisible Austin, Atx DSA, Our Revolution, Left Up to Us, Children’s Defense Fund, Counter balance Atx and others to ratchet up the hit on Cornyn during this 4th of July recess.
Noon Thursday, July 6
221 W 6th Street, Austin 78701
More Actions in Dallas
Zen Biasco says we need to support the protest at Senator Cruz’s meeting tonight, July 5, at the Sheraton in McKinney.
Texas Against Trump Care
From Democratic Socialists of America North Texas Facebook
3-6PM Thursday July 6
Senator Cornyn’s Dallas Office, 5001 Spring Valley Rd, 75244
Women’s March DFW Rally for Health Care
6-8PM July 15
Klyde Warren Park in Downtown Dallas
Nationwide Pressure Underway
Check with your nearest chapter for plans
Here are the phone numbers for the local offices of Sen. John Cornyn: (512)469-6034, (903)593-0902, (972)239-1310,(956)423-0162, (713)572-3337, (210)224-7485, (806)472-7533
And Sen. Ted Cruz at: (512)916-5834, (214)599-8749,(713)718-3057, (210)340-2885, (903)593-5130, (956)686-7339
National ARA continues us to urge us to use their free hot line: 1-866-828-4162. It will connect us to our Governor’s office so we can tell him to pressure the senators to vote against the Republican health care destruction.
Celebrate Medicare and Social Security
All six chapters are planning celebrations for anniversaries of Medicare (July 30, 1965) and Social Security (August 13, 1935). Speakers are being invited and festivities are expected.
National ARA may be able to help a few chapters if they can’t raise the money for these special events.
2018 Is Not So Far Away
Discussions are under way state wide as to how we can best prepare for the critical 2018 elections. A number of candidates have already declared and started campaigning, even though their official filing date is much later. But working for specific candidates is not the only way to make a difference.
Certain key Texas districts have already been targeted by canvassers who are gathering information and making friends, even though no candidate has been chosen. They could be phone banking just as well! Voter registration is always in order.
A lot of retirees are Precinct Captains, and a lot more could be if they checked on vacancies. At the Dallas meeting, there were four captains present, and each of them could use help contacting precinct members. Certain groups are conducting training sessions.
Retirees are discussing a statewide Speakers Bureau that would seek out audiences for our important message. It is possible that our good friends in the American Federation of Teachers could help us find teachers who want good speakers in their classrooms this September!
Our national organization is holding similar discussions. They expect organizing kits to be be ready in the Fall.
State Meeting Laid Plans
Some of our statewide leaders gathered in Houston on June 23. We went over our many activities, especially visits to congresspersons and Texas representatives. We expect to be called upon for duty during the Texas Special Session beginning July 18.
We are working with our supporters in El Paso in hopes of getting a far-west chapter going.
Join us! Make a donation! Help out!
–Gene Lantz, President
Texas Alliance for Retired Americans
Sign our petition for Medicaid Expansion:
Find us on Facebook: Texas Alliance for Retired Americans
Volunteer to build a vital movement for retirement rights in Texas