May 04, 2017
Retirees Fighting to Save Healthcare
All over Texas, our members fought the health care battle in the U.S. House right up to the moment we heard they had passed it.

And we won’t stop there. The next battle will be in the Senate, and there will be many more battles ahead for everybody who wants to defend and expand the right to retire in America.
After each of us called Congress, the Dallas Chapter heard a very informative presentation on the (lack of) morality in the national budget process.
Then we finished our regular business and adjourned. But about half of us stayed an extra hour to telephone other retirees to urge them to vote in the May 6th elections. We never give up!
Join us! Make a donation! Help out!
–Gene Lantz, President
Texas Alliance for Retired Americans
Sign our petition for Medicaid Expansion:
Find us on Facebook: Texas Alliance for Retired Americans
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