The Texas Legislative session began January 10 and the federal government is changing hands. Retirees aren’t sitting on ours! For most of Texas, the next big public event is Martin Luther King Jr celebrations on the 16th.
We worked for our benefits and we intend to keep them!
Fort Worth
JIm Rivers, President of the Fort Worth Chapter, writes: “The attacks continue and are escalating on all necessities of living for seniors, retirees and their families. We must take the offensive and counter the attacks however we can. We will discuss the following action and any others at our monthly meeting this Wednesday. All suggestions and information are welcome.
Please call this number and you will get the Alliance for Retired Americans toll free number and will be connected to the White House. Please give your name and leave this message for President Trump:“You ran on the promise of no cuts to our earned Medicare and Social Security. As a senior retiree, I expect you to keep this promise. Please do not voucherize Medicare or cut Social Security which I earned with _________years of work.”
12:00 NOON
FT WORTH, TX 76116
There can be no justice without peace and there can be no peace without justice. — Martin Luther King, Jr”
The Austin Chapter schedule calls for them to meet on the 19th at the Lamar Seniors Activity Center at 2874 Shoalcrest Ave, at the corner of 29th and Lamar. Call President Glenn Scott at 512 -657-0184
Texas Coastal Bend
Coastal Bend
The Coastal Bend Chapter met on January 12 in Corpus Christi. President Richard Rock says, “We had a good turn out. We got petitions signed regarding Medicare and had two brothers from IBEW attend as they were interested in our political efforts . I encouraged attendees to contact legislators about social security and medicare and told them of my visit to Cong. Farenthold’s office.
‘There is a good interest regarding lobbying. I encouraged all to subscribe to Ed’s e-mail news in order to keep informed about possible legislation. It is my feeling that regardless of the issue, be it a retiree item or something involving labor in general, we could have persons interested in going to Austin to help.”
In addition to his Coastal Bend leadership, Richard Rock is also leading our retiree lobbying effort. He urges us to work with our local AFL-CIO Central Labor Councils and the state organization, United Labor Legislative Committee (ULLCO): “Our labor council met Thursday night and 2 delegates, maybe 4, are planning to go to Austin on the 25th. I spoke with Rene Lara and Joe Arabie this morning to get more details on the effort. ULLCO meets every day at 9 or 10 a.m.depending when the legislature is called into session.
‘As of now our plans are to discuss dues deduction and minimum wage with our representatives and senators. Some senators and reps require an advanced appointment just to talk to the staff others are walk-in. Check with their offices to see how meetings are handled. Most likely any meeting will be with staff this however depends on the floor events when you are there. Joe Arabie is the contact person in Austin that is co-ordinating the lobbying, his email is I am hoping that most TARA chapters will be able to participate in at least one visit during this legislative session. Feel free to contact me for any questions at 361 205 3188 or by email. — Richard Rock”
All 6 Texas chapters and the national organization invite participation from everybody who wants to save and extend the right to retire!