December 30, 2016
Texans Picket Congressman Sam Johnson for Social Security
On December 28, right in the middle of the holidays, Texas seniors picketed Congressman Sam Johnson in Plano.

Here is the statement we used:
“A 27 percent reduction in Social Security benefits!
‘If Rep. Sam Johnson (R-TX), Chairman of the House Social Security Subcommittee, has his way, that’s what 70 percent of beneficiaries would see on average under his new plan.
‘The newly introduced “Social Security Reform Act” that conservatives are parading around Washington attempts to camouflage the draconian nature of the plan with targeted benefit increases for low earners (26 percent of recipients). But don’t let this phony progressivism fool you.
‘Johnson’s bill includes an assortment of benefit cuts including raising the retirement age to 69 (equivalent to a 13.5 percent across-the-board cut), changing the benefit formula (9 percent average cut), and slashing the cost-of-living adjustment (13 percent average cut). COLA adjustments are cumulative, consequently some long-lived beneficiaries could see cuts of up to 74 percent!
‘Despite Johnson’s window dressing, as many low earners will see cuts as increases.
‘The Johnson bill disproportionally hurts women and low-income workers who had employment gaps due to caregiving and unemployment. And it hurts those who had uneven earnings during their wage-earning years.
‘Johnson disingenuously claims his plan is motivated by an interest in extending Social Security’s trust fund. But he then turns around and eliminates the taxation of benefits on high earners—the very people who can afford to pay a little more.
‘We’ve heard this before: “Save” retirement programs by undermining and destroying them! It isn’t reform, it’s deform!
‘The facts and figures come from Economic Policy Institute. For more information:,,, 214-942-4236 or 214-729-0063″
Congressman Sam Is a Hard Man to Talk To
Although we tried for weeks to get an appointment, we still haven’t seen Congressman Johnson. We left our information under his office door!
A similar letter-to-the-editor was published in the Dallas paper on the previous Sunday.
It’s All on Video
We made several short videos showing our enthusiastic action and explaining our reasons. They are on YouTube, Facebook, and here:
The Texas Alliance for Retired Americans continues to spread the word on the threats to the right to retire!
–Gene Lantz, President
Texas Alliance for Retired Americans
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