November 15, 2016
Seniors Are Contemplating Strategies
Texas retirees spent very little time commiserating about the presidential election. Our own performance in the Lone Star State was excellent, so we spent no time at all castigating ourselves. What’s taking up our time is analyzing the situation and coming up with the best possible next strategies.

We’re working with national ARA and with the Texas AFL-CIO to get the best statistics on retiree voting — and so far it looks like an improvement.
Most of us agree that we face some very tough times. That means we have to double down on building our organization and our movement. Fortunately, we can do that!
Please attend the next chapter meeting in your area. If you don’t have a chapter of the Texas Alliance, you need one!
The Fort Worth Chapter President writes:
Hi All Activists,
This Wednesday will be our first discussion of plans to defend, protect and advance the rights and needs of Seniors and Retirees during the oncoming administration. Much remains unclear, but as the past has shown, lack of anticipation and preparation will result in unnecessary failures. The future is in our hands.
12:00 NOON
FT WORTH, TX 76116
There can be no justice without peace and there can be no peace without justice.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.
Albert Einstein
Solidarity, Peace and Friendship,
Jim Rivers
Our Austin President writes:
Hello TARA -EF retirees and friends,
No way to put a spin on this. Seniors, labor and progressive dems took a beating on the national level last night. This means that now more than ever we need to band together to fight to save and expand Social Security and Medicare just like so many before us did.
To that end, please mark your calendar for an action packed TARA EF meeting at the Lamar Senior Activity Center, 2874 Shoalcrest Ave. Plenty of free parking. We will be in the South room.
Thurs., Nov. 17, 12 noon-12:30 – Meet n’ Greet with holiday potluck lunch
Special Guest Speakers:
Rene Lara, Legislative Director Tx AFL-CIO – “Election results in Texas and Central Austin; what does this meet for seniors’ issues?”
Harrison Hiner, TSEU-CWA Legislative Director “A Full Employment PAC what does it mean for Seniors?”
Please RSVP for your seat. We will have roast chicken for lunch. Please let me know if you can bring a side or dessert.
Bring a friend and see you next Thursday Nov. 17!
Glenn Scott
Organize and Fight!
–Gene Lantz, President
Texas Alliance for Retired Americans
Sign our petition for Medicaid Expansion:
Find us on Facebook: Texas Alliance for Retired Americans
Volunteer to build a vital movement for retirement rights in Texas