October 06, 2016
Dallas Plans Attack on the Right to Retire
Seniors in Dallas are already receiving their vote-by-mail ballots. The wording for Proposition One is completely unreadable and totally misleading. Fortunately, the Dallas newspaper has provided some insights into what Proposition One would actually do. Lico Reyes and Lawrence Castillo from the Steelworkers union explained it to the Dallas Chapter of Texas Alliance meeting on October 5.

Proposition One contains these cuts for future City employees:
- Full retirement age raised to 65 from current 60
- Cost-of-living adjustments capped at at 3%, down from 5%
- Eliminate a $125-per-month supplemental health benefit
- Trim survivor benefits
- Stop providing office space and utilities for the retirement fund
- Cut an average $4,500 from each retiree’s annual benefit!
City management hopes to maneuver past objections by “divide and conquer,” but all retirees and active workers must stick together to fight back against every effort to destroy the right to retire!
We Will Fight Back!
The initial response of the Dallas Chapter of the Texas Alliance is to hold a news conference:
- 2 PM Thursday, October 13
- Outside Dallas City Hall
- 1500 Marilla at Young Street
Representatives of the City Employees and retiree activists will explain why we must join together and fight. We will outline further plans to warn voters about Proposition One before the November election. Please join us!
–Gene Lantz, President
Texas Alliance for Retired Americans
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