October 05, 2016
Phone Banking Works for Seniors!
It’s time to phone bank if you want to win in 2016!

See for a short video on phone banking for Texas seniors.
Door to door canvassing and phone banking are the two most effective ways to win elections. Of the two, phone banking is most suitable for retirees for several good reasons:
Seniors turn out to vote more than anybody.
Retirees are more likely to be home when somebody calls. Seniors can call seniors in the middle of the day!
The telephone is our technology. Younger voters may be crazy about Instagram or Pinterest, but many retirees rely first and foremost on their good old telephone!
When retirees call, people answer and are glad to talk. During an election campaign, a great many people get angry when they get a call. But seniors are usually glad to talk to other seniors.
We have common problems. Like anybody else, seniors are subject to some “hot button” issues that aren’t necessarily important in an election, but our core interests are shared by all seniors: pensions, health care, and Social Security.
We are under attack. Seniors are aware that corporations and politicians, especially Republicans, are out to gut Medicaid, privatize Medicare, and murder Social Security.
So, let’s get to it!
The national Alliance for Retired Americans has access to thousands of retiree phone numbers, and they can help their chapters and affiliates set up phone banks in designated races. Contact phone banking expert Judy Bryant at 214-729-0063 and start making a difference in the Texas 2016 elections!
–Gene Lantz, President
Texas Alliance for Retired Americans
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