Austin and Corpus Christi Celebrate Social Security
Texas retirees are committed to expanding and strengthening Social Security and all programs that deliver “golden years” for ourselves, our kids, and our grandkids. Our 8th and 9th events for this month are happening on August 25.
Texas Retirees Like Congressman Lloyd Doggett — and We Like Him!
Here’s your invitation from Austin:
Dear friends,
Join us to Celebrate Social Security’s 81st Birthday, Thursday, August 25th! Poetry & Song by outstanding artists Daniel Llanes, Thom World Poet with Jack McCabe & Udelle Robinson performing as LiableWriter. Also our special guest Congressman Lloyd Doggett.
Austin’s Celebration of Social Security
with Special Guest the Honorable Lloyd Doggett, US Representative
Thursday, Aug. 25th
10:00am-12 noon
Lamar Senior Activity Center Ballroom
2874 Shoal Crest Ave, Austin (W. 29th St. & Lamar)
Congressman Lloyd Doggett Speaks on Social Security
We will have complimentary coffee, ice tea, breakfast tacos and birthday cake of course!
Let’s build on the Alliance for Retired American’s national campaign to expand Social Security and preserve it for our children, our community and our nation.
Please RSVP for your seat Aug. 25th! Learn about the threats to Social Security in Congress right now and how we can advocate together to keep Social Security strong. You can email me at or text/call me at 512-657-0184
Together we can kick off our fall seniors’ voter education and mobilization effort for Social Security expansion, for protecting Medicare and for expanding Medicaid in Texas!
AFT office , 4455 SPID Suite 48. Corpus Christi 78411
Thursday, August 25, 2016 1 pm
Social Security Birthday Celebration
Coastal Bend TARA Chapter
CCAFT Union Hall at 4455 S.P.I.D. Suite 48
Corpus Christi, Texas 78411