July 11, 2016
Events Set for Medicare/Medicaid and Social Security Celebrations
The July 30 anniversary of Medicare/Medicaid and the August 13 anniversary of Social Security are coming up. Texas retirees have set an ambitious program of celebrating our past accomplishments and committing ourselves to continue fighting. We have seven celebrations set up and are looking for more.

Folks who are organizing events may want to use some of the videos I prepared:
- A Social Security song: https://youtu.be/jViFI58WqRQ
- A short Medicare/Medicaid talk: https://youtu.be/JHAYNHzUTzc
- A short Social Security talk: https://youtu.be/ZDkFsrk2ejI
The work will begin with contacting activists in the area of every event. Volunteers are needed for phone banking, no experience necessary!
Each activity will be packed with information about our strategies for winning further gains. We will emphasize the importance of the 2016 elections from the top of the ballot to the very bottom.
Retirees have much to lose and everything to gain this year!
After the activities, we’ll still need volunteers to follow up and make sure we’re working together for a better retirement future for ourselves, our kids, and our grandkids.
Here’s what we’ve set up so far:
- Tuesday, July 26, 2016 10:30 am
- Medicare/Medicaid Birthday Celebration
- Speakers: Representative Chris Turner and Top Candidate Terry Meza
- UAW Area Retiree Council
- UAW 276, 2505 W.E. Roberts
- Grand Prairie, Texas 75051
- Saturday July 30, 2016 1-4 pm
- Medicare/Medicaid Birthday
- Ceole Speight House of Labor
- Cong. Sheila Jackson Lee, speaker
- 2506 Sutherland St.
- Houston, Texas 77023
- Saturday, July 30, 2016 6 pm
- College of Complexes-Gene Lantz speaks
- “The Necessity of Taking the Offer of Federal Money for Medicaid Expansion”
- Romo’s Pizza and Italian Restaurant
- 7402 Greenville Ave
- Dallas Texas 75231
- Wednesday, August 3, 2016 12:30-2:30 pm
- Social Security Birthday Celebration
- Dallas TARA Chapter-Cong. Marc Veasey speaker
- APWU Hall, 2010 Postal Way
- Dallas, Texas 75212
- Tuesday, August 9, 2016 10 am
- Social Security Birthday Celebration Beaumont/SOAR Chapter
- USW Local 13-243
- 2490 S. 11th St.
- Beaumont, Texas 77701
- Thursday, August 11, 11AM
- Celebrate Social Security with UAW 848 Retirees
- Covered dish luncheon
- 2218 E Main St
- Grand Prairie, Texas
- Saturday, August 13, 10AM
- Teamsters “Save Our Pensions” meeting
- Co-Sponsored by TARA-EF
- Gene Lantz among the speakers
- IBT 745 Hall, 1007,
1007 Jonelle Ave, Dallas, TX 75217
- Thursday, August 25, 2016, 10 am
- Social Security Birthday Celebration
- Austin TARA Chapter
- Lamar Senior Activity Center, 2874 Shoal Crest Ave Austin 78705. 10-10:30 meet and greet; program 10:30a-12 noon
- Contact: Glenn Scott cell 512 657-0184
- Thursday, August 25, 2016 1 pm
- Social Security Birthday Celebration
- Coastal Bend TARA Chapter
- CCAFT Union Hall at 4455 S.P.I.D. Suite 48
- Corpus Christi, Texas 78411
- For more info contact Judy Bryant at 214-729-0063
- –Gene Lantz, President
Texas Alliance for Retired Americans
Find us on Facebook: Texas Alliance for Retired Americans
Volunteer to build a vital movement for retirement rights in Texas