July 08, 2016
Retirees Endorse in Texas Races
Following the national endorsement of Hillary Clinton for President, Texas retirees have chosen a number of other important races to work on this year.

So far, Texas retirees have endorsed six state legislature candidates. In the photo are Terry Meza, Victoria Neave, Rhetta Bowers, Laura Irvin, and Jack Blackshear. Behind them sit Executive Board members of the Dallas Chapter, which recommended endorsing them. We posted a video of them on YouTube. On recommendation of the Austin chapter, Gina Hinojosa is also endorsed. Several more are under consideration statewide.
The national Alliance for Retired Americans has forwarded news that these candidates for U.S. Congress have been endorsed: Cong. Al Green (District 09), Cong. Sheila Jackson Lee (18), Cong. Joaquin Castro (20), Cong. Gene Green (29), Cong. Marc Veasey (33), Cong. Filemon Vela (34) and Cong. Lloyd Doggett (35).
Retirees carefully watch how candidates have voted, what their literature says, and how they answer our questions.
Endorsed candidates will be honored at Texas Alliance public activities. There will be a lot of opportunities, because the retirees are planning at least 7 public events during the three weeks between July 26 and August 18. We’ll celebrate the July 30 anniversary of Medicare/Medicaid and the August 13 anniversary of Social Security at special meetings in Austin, Beaumont, Corpus Christi, Dallas, Grand Prairie and Houston.
Many volunteers are needed to carry out our ambitious program. Contact information for your nearest Alliance representatives is on this site. Sign up with us on the site’s front page, too.
Texas Alliance for Retired Americans
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