2018 Has Begun!
November 13, 2017: 2018 Elections Are Underway Would you consider becoming a Precinct Chair in 2018? They are the central grass-roots organizers who will turn out the vote in November. Precinct Chairs must nominate themselves during the same period as candidates. The ...Read more >
Fight Today, Plan for 2018
November 01, 2017: We're Fighters! [caption id="attachment_2294" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Picketing against tax giveaways and budget cuts on November 1[/caption] The Dallas Chapter meeting started right after we did yet another downtown picket for retiree r...Read more >
Fight the Cuts and Tax Giveaways
October 30, 2017: As the noose tightens around all seniors' necks, we're fighting back all over Texas! Call Congress Thursday, Nov 2 Sign up here to be part of the Alliance’s call in day and national Alliance for Retired Americans will send you talking poi...Read more >
Take Action on Tuesday!
October 23, 2017: Demonstrate with Us! Protest at 11:45AM on October 24 Belo Garden Park, Across from the Federal Building 1014 Main Street, Dallas TX As we feared and fought against, Congress completed its approval of the Republican budget resolution on...Read more >
Seniors Sharpen Swords
October 05, 2017: The best weapon against lies and trickery is facts, and the Texas Alliance for Retired Americans sharpens our facts at every meeting. [caption id="attachment_2260" align="aligncenter" width="639"] Dallas Chapter's October meeting[/caption] Th...Read more >
Super Seniors Fight Back!
September 20, 2017: Leaders of the Texas Alliance for Retired Americans are on the battlefronts everywhere in Texas. [caption id="attachment_2251" align="aligncenter" width="474"] vector illustration of a flying senior super heroine with cape[/caption] The Board Rep...Read more >
Fight, Texans! Our Lives Depend on It!
July 25, 2017: The Texas Alliance for Retired Americans continues our statewide fight for health care and retiree rights. [caption id="attachment_1448" align="alignright" width="472"] Austin TARA on front line for health care[/caption] &...Read more >
KHN – Analysis: As Seniors Get Sicker, They’re More Likely To Drop Medicare Advantage Plans
July 06, 2017: By Fred Schulte Kaiser Health News is a national health policy news service that is part of the nonpartisan Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. When Sol Shipotow enrolled in a new Medicare Advantage health plan earlier this year, he expected to...Read more >
Texans In Battle
July 05, 2017: We have a plan to save and extend the right to retire in America: organize the retirees! Our chapters in every major Texas population center are working hard on the plan. Here are a few of the things going on right now: Action in Austin More Acti...Read more >
Retirees In Danger!
April 27, 2017: How would you like to pay five times as much for insurance as younger people? What about losing your pension or having your Social Security Cut? Right now, Congress is deliberating all those things. We need to organize retirees to fight back! I'...Read more >