July 25, 2015
New Videos Show Retirees in Action
TARA has two new videos on YouTube. We’re singing our anthem at the end of a good meeting in Austin on July 16. The lyrics are with the video. As far as we know, we’re the only retiree group in the nation with its own anthem, and we have a great time singing it!
During our successful Medicare/Medicaid celebration in Hurst on July 23, several retirees testified on video about the importance of Medicare/Medicaid to us. It also shows the good time we had. Working together to preserve and extend the right to retire is more than just the right thing to do. It’s also a lot of fun!
Let’s re-commit ourselves to preserving and expanding Medicare!
Gene Lantz
President, Texas Alliance for Retired Americans

labordallas@sbcglobal.net Donate to Texas Alliance for Retired Americans by clicking here