June 25, 2014
Corpus Christi Retirees Form Chapter
Judy Bryant reports: TARA Treasurer Elaine Jones and activist Andy Rosas recently helped organize the charter meeting for the Corpus Christi Texas Alliance for Retired Americans Chapter. Field Organizer Judy Bryant presented TARA and ARA information to a diverse group of 35 union and community members meeting at the CCAFT office. There were members of AFT, SOAR, AFSCME and CWA, plus several community retirees present.
Congratulations to newly elected officers: President Michael Whitmire, Vice President Lisa Soliz and Secretary Treasurer Yvonne Landin! The chapter decided to meet bi-monthly on the second Wednesday of the month at the CCAFT office from 12-2 pm. The August meeting is on Wednesday, August 13 and Elaine Jones volunteered that AFT would again provide refreshments. They will also have a celebration of the 79th Anniversary of Social Security at this meeting.
–Gene Lantz, President
PLEASE contribute any amount to Texas Alliance for Retired Americans by clicking here.
Sign our petition to Dallas Mayor Rawlings asking him to stop pushing to privatize the school district and to NOT WELCOME the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) to Dallas July 30.
We’re also still gathering petitions for health care implementation in Texas. Sign that petition at:
Contact Gene Lantz at labordallas@sbcglobal.net
Judy Bryant at 214-729-0063
facebook: Texas Alliance for Retired Americans
Twitter: @Tx4TARA